Showing 1–12 of 27 results


MINELA Super provides Chelated Minerals, Vitamins and Probiotics. Chelation ensures high availability of Minerals. Probiotics support digestion & absorption. Thus, MINELA ensures High availability of essential Minerals, vitamins & other nutrients & powers all body functions and helps achieve.
  • High Milk Production – High FAT and SNF
  • Smooth Reproduction
  • Strong Immune Functions
 Recommended Usage: Cow/buffalo/horse: 50 gm daily or 0.8 Kg – 1.5 Kg in 100 Kg of Feed Poultry/fish/Prawns: 0.8 Kg in 100 Kg of feed. Availability: 1.2Kg, 5 Kgs, 24 Kgs.


Purak Powder

Purak, with its high concentration of fertility minerals improves the secretion of hormones, thus, helps to bring animal in heat. Minerals provided in PURAK are in purest form for absorption. Recommended Usage: PURAK should be fed @ 50 gms per animal or @ 1 Kg per 100 Kgs Feed. Availability: 1Kg & 10Kgs


Vardhan with its high concentration of Vitamin A, D3 & E, improves the inner epithelial lining of uterus and helps improve the endocrine function of ovaries i.e., secretion of progesterone hormone, which retains the fertilized egg in the womb and avoid abortions. Thus VARDHAN, 1. Induces Ovulation –helps conception, Prevent Repeat Breeding 2. Prevent Abortion Recommended Usage: 2-5 gms daily. Availability: 100 gms sachet and 1 kg poly jar.


Zuleup HM provides Unique formulation of Bypass Fats, Proteins, Probiotics, Minerals, Propionates Benefits: • Fastens body growth – Weight Gain • In growing animals (Heifers, Calves, Bulls & Beef) • Timely Resumption of estrus – Conception • Improves development of rumen • Improves feed intake-Nutrients availability from feed • Timely maturation of genital organs-Timely Puberty • Provides energy – Removes Weakness, calving stress • Ensures Potential Milk Production – Corrects Low Production • Post partum Lactating animals Dose: Lactating animals • Young Animals (calves & heifers): Start with 20 Gm daily in 2nd month, • 30 Gm daily in 3rd month, 40 Gm daily in 4th month, 50 Gm daily from 5th month onwards. • Before Calving: 100 Gm daily 30 days before calving, • After calving: 100 Gm daily for 10 Ltr of Milk. (Add 10 Gm for each kg of milk thereafter) Availability: 2 Kg & 10 kg


RBOLET forte is a unique mixture of Probiotics, Energy boosters and galactagogue herbs. Probiotics in RBOLET forte improves digestive functions. Energy boosters help up energy level. Herbal complex of RBOLET forte stimulates secretion of milking hormones by pituitary and secretion of milk by mammary glands. Thus, RBOLET forte restores homeostasis in perturbed milk secretionary system & restores milk production quickly. Indications: Agalactia cases such as • Post Infections • Climatic/ Psychological • Metabolic • Unknown Recommended Dose: 1 sachet twice daily for 5 days. Availability: Sachet of 50 gms-wholesale box of 10 sachets


Unique combination of LACTIN influences all stages of milk production favorably and improves milk yield. • Calcium, Phosphorus & Vitamin D3 improves milk holding secretion. • Vitamin H reconditions udder and helps improve milk capacity. • Asparagus racemosus stimulates glandular functions and helps letting down naturally. Recommended Dose: 1-2 Boli twice daily. Availability: strip of 4 Boli- Wholesale box of 10 strips.


AMYST BOLUS: 1. Promotes the growth of Micro flora and Cellulolytic bacteria. 2. In Acidosis, swings the Ruminal pH to normal and brings the animal back to feed. 3. Alpha amylase provides ready-made energy by converting available carbohydrates into Glucose. 4. Provides 20 minerals, 6 Vitamins besides various Hormones 8c Enzymes to ensure normal body functions. Recommended AMYST Bolus in • Anorexia • Acidosis • Dyspepsia • Bloat • Disturbed Microflora Due to Antibiotic Treatment Recommended Dose: Large Animals: 1-2 Bolus twice daily Small Animals: 1/2 to 1 bolus twice daily. Availability: strip of 4 Boli, Wholesale box of 15 strips


AMYST Forte provides double power of live yeast 1. Rejuvenate Microflora and Enhance fibre digestion. 2. Regulate ruminal pH and prevents acidosis. 3. Restart fermentation and brings the animal back to feed. 4. Provides 20 minerals, 6 Vitamins which gives instant energy to body. Recommended AMYST Forte in • Anorexia • Acidosis • Poor Rumination • Bloat • Disturbed Microflora Due to Antibiotic Treatment Recommended Dose: Large Animals: 1 Sachet twice daily Small Animals: 1/2 Sachet twice daily. Availability: 1 Sachet 25 gm, Wholesale plastic box of 30 Sachet


– TO BE USED BY QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN ONLY Unique combination of rumen buffers, probiotic and thiamine Indication: • Undigested grains • Undigested fibres • Loose dung • Lameness Benefit: • Improvement of: -Digestion of grains -Digestion of fibers -FAT% & SNF% • Corrects lameness Associated with Subacute Ruminal Acidosis Recommended Usage: Cow /Buffalo: 100 gm. daily for 20-30 days 15-20 gm. /kg feed or as suggested by veterinarian Route: Oral Availability: 1kg Jar


Vitamin- H: Helps metabolism of amino acids and improves tonicity of udder alveoli in combination with Vitamin A. Vitamin A, D3 & E: improves tissue genesis, provides strength to muscular system, protects animal from stress and helps in better digestion of Calcium & phosphorous. VITUM- H: • Helps improve sperm count in bulls • Strengthens tissues and improves milk holding capacity of udder • Promotes wound healing in FMD, Mastitis, Enteritis, etc. • Improves hatchability, reduces chick mortality. Recommended Dose: Cattle/Horses : 10 ml daily Poultry : 3-7 ml per 100 birds dogs & pets : 2-5 ml daily. Availability: 100 ml glass bottles, 250 ml, 500ml ,1 Lit ,2 Lit & 5 Lit


Introducing for the first time, Calcium Suspension in Double Strength. TINACAL DS is manufactured with latest reaction process thus offers unique benefits: • Provides purest grade Calcium & Phosphorous for easier digestion. • Thicker and homogenized suspension makes administration easier • Double Strength ensures economy. Recommended Dose: Cattle : 50 ml daily Calves : 10 ml twice daily Poultry: 10-50 ml / 100 birds Dogs : 5-10 ml twice daily. Availability: poly containers of 1 Lit, 5 Lits & 20 liters


Naturally chelated organic Minerals derived from marine algae. Tinalact Liq helps in various systems to increase the performance of animals. It helps in metabolism and absorption of feed fodder. Increase FCR, quality and quantity of milk. Indication: o Drop down milk production. o Low immunity o Ill animals o Anemic condition o Infertile animals Recommended Usage: 10 to 20ml per day for milch animals Availability: 250 ml bottle